Monday, March 30, 2009

Not Out of Reach

"Unless English departments begin a discussion of these questions, nothing is likely to change, but I doubt that change will happen unless upper administrators--deans and provosts--provide the encouragement and the incentives to change." Gerald Graff

I believe that one person can change an outlook of a body of students; so with that I say that I disagree with Graff's statement. I think that it would help if the administrators provided encouragement things would change, but that doesn't have to be the only incentives for change. A single professor could make all the difference in the world just be encouraging and opening students eyes. If a professor made the incentive to change then that may affect a class of students to change and therefore may influence other professors to do the same and then before we know it a whole department did all this changing without the administration even knowing. It just takes one great professor to help open and broaden a students views and change their lives forever....or maybe just for that semester, but you get my drift.